Gems Keep Giving - RC Gemas

Gems Keep Giving

11/12/2020 - Categories : Emerald

Gems Keep Giving

‘Gems Keep Giving’ (GKG) is an initiative started by the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) to support the gemstone handcraft mining and also all the cutting communities around the world. As the name already suggests, the people involved in the gem industry are now able to help and repay all those who need our industry the most. By making a donation, we are not only changing people’s lives for better, but we are also helping our industry to become more sustainable.

The biggest number of colored gems in the marked are produced by small mines and handcraft cutters who, in its majority, work and live in difficult life conditions. It is our gems and jewelry industry responsibility to support those people and their families by helping them thrive and grow in a safe, sustainable and inclusive environment.

The ICA is made up of 700 members from all around the world, who are involved in every aspect of the colored gems industry, such as mining, cutting, handcrafting, gemological research, education, marketing, design and retail sector. The reach and the influence of ICA allow it to identify the areas that need assistance and also to provide and to coordinate the necessary resources to make positive and meaningful changes happen in the community.

We want to make a difference by providing an efficient assistance that will focus on the main concern areas: security, human rights, fair work, inclusion, environment impact and resources sustainability.

There will be no administration costs, which means that 100% of the money raised by “Gems Keep Giving” will be used for its projects. We’ll warmly receive the assistance from sponsors who are aware of our cause, institutions and donors who will come to the conclusion that, through the GKG funds, their generosity can make a difference in the life of the less fortunate people of the gems community.

We can all contribute to this cause, by donating, by putting effort to raise funds, by identifying a community project or even by providing help and practical assistance.

We all need to get involved in this worthy effort.
Yours sincerely,
Damien Cody



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